In the book of Esther, we see a clear picture of how pride plays out in the life a the man Haman. I could not help but to notice the contrast we see In the New testament of Haman’s Character to Jesus. Haman is sold out to power, where Jesus is sold out to weakness. Haman is sold out to hatred to the point of taking the lives his enemies(the Jews) Jesus is sold out to love, where he will lay down his life for his enemies. Haman’s life is motivated by self and pride and but Jesus’ life is motivated by humility
Haman represents a man sold out for power. His boast is his wealth and his public elevation above the other nobles and furious when Mordecai refuses to bow down to him. So furious that he plots to have him murdered (5.11). It is not enough for him to be rich and powerful; but he must be richer and more powerful than others. Later in the story, He is in high spirits because only the king and he have been invited to Esther’s banquet (5.9,12). Jesus is the God-man sold out to weakness. His boast is in the father (John 13.31, Luke 22.42, John 5.43 ) and though he is fully God, he chose to humbly incarnate himself, take on human flesh and die a sinners death. (Philippians 2.1-11)
Haman represents a man sold out to hatred of his enemies. All of his strengths and advantages, by his own admission, mean nothing to him when he thinks of Mordecai, “that Jew” (5.13) The only thing that can restore his happiness is the prospect of Mordecai’s death (5.14) Here is self-love, the heart of all sin, at its social worst: unrestrained, it vows that it will be first and wants the death of all who stand in the way of fulfilling that vow.Jesus is the God-man who is sold out to love of his enemies. He considers all of his strengths and rights as nothing, but rather steps down from his throne and lays his life down for those who hate him. While Gods children are still in their sin and rebellion, Jesus dies as their substitutionary atonement(2 Corinthians 5.21, Hebrews 9:14), ransom (Matthew 20:28, Mark 10:45, 1 Timothy 2:6, 1 Peter 1:18, Revelation 5:9), propitiation (Romans 3:25, Hebrews 2:17, 1 John 2:2, 1 John 4:10) and justification before God. Though he deserved to be served, he served. Though he deserved to be given to, he gave. Though he deserved life, he chose death.
At the very root of Haman’s heart and motivation is pride. He choses to to worship creation (himself) as God rather than God himself. But At the very root of Jesus’ heart is humility. Though he was God and had every right to worship himself, chose to lay down his rights and live a life glorifying to the father,
Haman represents a man sold out for power. His boast is his wealth and his public elevation above the other nobles and furious when Mordecai refuses to bow down to him. So furious that he plots to have him murdered (5.11). It is not enough for him to be rich and powerful; but he must be richer and more powerful than others. Later in the story, He is in high spirits because only the king and he have been invited to Esther’s banquet (5.9,12). Jesus is the God-man sold out to weakness. His boast is in the father (John 13.31, Luke 22.42, John 5.43 ) and though he is fully God, he chose to humbly incarnate himself, take on human flesh and die a sinners death. (Philippians 2.1-11)
Haman represents a man sold out to hatred of his enemies. All of his strengths and advantages, by his own admission, mean nothing to him when he thinks of Mordecai, “that Jew” (5.13) The only thing that can restore his happiness is the prospect of Mordecai’s death (5.14) Here is self-love, the heart of all sin, at its social worst: unrestrained, it vows that it will be first and wants the death of all who stand in the way of fulfilling that vow.Jesus is the God-man who is sold out to love of his enemies. He considers all of his strengths and rights as nothing, but rather steps down from his throne and lays his life down for those who hate him. While Gods children are still in their sin and rebellion, Jesus dies as their substitutionary atonement(2 Corinthians 5.21, Hebrews 9:14), ransom (Matthew 20:28, Mark 10:45, 1 Timothy 2:6, 1 Peter 1:18, Revelation 5:9), propitiation (Romans 3:25, Hebrews 2:17, 1 John 2:2, 1 John 4:10) and justification before God. Though he deserved to be served, he served. Though he deserved to be given to, he gave. Though he deserved life, he chose death.
At the very root of Haman’s heart and motivation is pride. He choses to to worship creation (himself) as God rather than God himself. But At the very root of Jesus’ heart is humility. Though he was God and had every right to worship himself, chose to lay down his rights and live a life glorifying to the father,