Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Philippians; following our humble King Jesus.

The book of Philippians is about serving in humility. A virtue that is counter intuitive to every performance driven impulse of our heart. Paul makes some big game changing statements that go against everything the Philippians knew.

" In humility regard others as better than yourselves. Let each of you not look to your own interests but the interests of others." (Philippians 2:3-4)

the word humility is defined (Word Study Dictionary) as

"the sinners confession of his sin and deep realization of his unworthiness to receive Gods marvelous grace"

The only way for me to truly serve unconditionally, and selflessly is to understand that I have been loved and served unconditionally, by the only true one worthy of being served; that is Jesus.  In a overflow of thankfulness, I will serve and love on other people, because I realize that I am just as jacked up as my neighbor.

sin is deep. his grace is deeper.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Camp Lurecrest

 Dorms and laundry room.


 Snack hut

Friday, August 19, 2011

Philemon; one down 65 to go.

Philemon is an amazing epistle. Taking only a page of the new testament; this book is gospel soaked. At first read, it is easy to read past the richness and fullness of what is actually happening.
The letter is Paul appealing to Philemon, in love, on behalf of Onesimus (a run away slave  that has wronged Philemon), who Paul converted while in prison. He asked to free him from debt and accept as a brother. The implications of this is huge. Unfortunately everything I can and want to say, would take up way too much time and space. Excited to get into Philippians on Monday.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hello North Carolina.

After  13 hours of commuting, Rylan and I have made it to Lake Lure North Carolina where we will be residing for the next ten months.  I am looking forward to this next season of life. Tomorrow classes begin and we dig into the word.

 Augers Workspace.
My Workspace.
Lecture Hall.

Fall Break - October 12-16, 2011
Thanksgiving - November, 23-27, 2011
Christmas - December 16, 2011 – January 2, 2012
Spring Recess - March 4-12, 2012
Easter Break - April 6-8, 2012
Graduation - June 2, 2012 (move out day is June 4)
207 Charlotte Dr, Lake Lure, NC 28746, US