Tuesday, January 17, 2012

How wretched I am!

Exodus paints an amazing portrait of Gods nature and Character. It reminds humanity of how deep our sin is. It also reminds us how deep His grace is.

“And Moses said to the people, “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again. 14 The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.”

God does something for the Israelite's, that the Israelite's could not do for themselves. He delivers them from the bondage of the Egyptians, and makes for himself his own people in which he can have relationship with. He takes a bunch of stubborn, stiff necked slaves, and makes them sons in daughters. This Only a shadow pointing to what he is going to do thousands of years down the road in Jesus. In Exodus, God does something for his people that his people could not do for themselves; he delivers them from the bondage of slavery. But By the Gospel,God has done something in Christ that we could not do for ourselves. He has delivered wicked sinners from the bondage of sin(the true Pharaoh). He has done it. He has fought for us, he has won. It is finished.

This is amazing.God has truly done something for me that I could never do myself. In Christ, he has saved me. In Christ he has conquered sin, satan, death and hell. In Christ he has given me his righteousness, and taken my sin, shame and condemnation. He did it, Despite me.
Despite my failures, despite my success,despite my past, and despite my future. He has done it by his unmerited, electing, unconditional, and gracious love. Yet still I love sin more than I love him, still I love my pride and selfishness more than I love him, Still I love my glory more than I love his. How wretched I am! How flawed I am, and How dependent I am on his promise to finish what he completed, how dependent I am for him to change me, regenerate me, sanctify me.

Jesus is the true and better Passover lamb who by faith in his word, we are covered by his blood and the angel of death passes over us.
Jesus is the true and better Moses who stands in the gap between the people and the Lord and who mediates a new covenant
Jesus is the true and better rock of Moses, who by the striking of his body, came life to all who drank.
Jesus is the angel of God who stands between us and sin.
Jesus is the true and better veil, mercy seat, lamp stand, ark of the covenant...
If you read Exodus and do not see Jesus, read it again for you are not reading it correctly.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Genesis: the book of beginnings.

It is the beginning of the story of God. In the Story we see God as creator, and man as fallen creation. Through Adams sin of ommison and failing to lead well, relationship with God, and each other is broken. Man turned his back on God and wanted to be worshipped as creator rather than to worship as Creation. He chose the path of sin, satan, death and hell. God could have accepted it, and been completely content in fellowship with the Trinity(1.26,33.22. 11.7) but the story does not end there. As much as he is Holy, and Just, He is also compassionate, merciful, and gracious towards his children. He makes them a promise. God will send a man(Jesus), from whom all nations will be blessed(Gen12.2) and who Satan will physically harm, but he will ultimately crush. Through out the rest of the book we see the continual failures and short comings of his people. We see the depravity and wickedness of man. And we see that sin is deep but Gods grace is deeper.

Jesus is everywhere in Genesis and I look forward to studying the rest of the Old Testament and seeing the amazing portrait of who he is.