The lack of godly men in our world is now a cultural crisis. We are not going to solve the problem by ignoring ``Ban``(males who have prolonged their adolescence; a mix between boy and man) and hoping that he eventually grows up. We are not going to solve the problem by encouraging women to take up the slack. We solve the problem by modeling biblical manhood and calling adult boys to forsake their youthful lusts and become the men that God is calling them to be.
“God, make me a man with thick skin and a soft heart. Make me a man who is tough and tender. Make me tough so I can handle life. Make me tender so I can love people. God, make me a man.”
-church planter
“God, make me a man with thick skin and a soft heart. Make me a man who is tough and tender. Make me tough so I can handle life. Make me tender so I can love people. God, make me a man.”
-church planter
Well said Dude! You're the Man!